When talked technically about JavaScript, it has been credited with full points considering the fact that it is backed by the presence of several useful free JavaScript libraries and plugins to work flexibly. These free JS plugins, libraries, and effects can be used extensively by the web developers to add in their projects. These useful components can also be used for creating menu animations, typography effects, sliders, preloaders, modal windows effects, content filters, and more.

Ultimate List of JavaScript Libraries & Plugins

Different types of the library and plugin range exists to accommodate diverse needs of each unique web development project. As per the features embedded into each library, it can be embedded into diversified web design piece.

Let’s figure the below plugins and libraries:

1. AngularJS

Being an open source and powerful framework, it is a leading name in JavaScript libraries. Backed by Google, it is a reputed name in the web development industry. AngularJS is a modular framework which is a perfect option for making complex web applications that require easy communication for back-end to front-end. It is widely extensible that suits it well to be used with other libraries. The features like data binding, controllers, directives, dependency injection and much more make it a strong name in dynamic web development.

2. React

A popular JavaScript library with a great reputation to design user interfaces. It is a great platform for UI development and design and thus plays a big role in the complex projects. Backed by Facebook, it is an open-source platform to handle diverse applications, like to power the UI and front-end of your app and manage its server-side administration in parallel.

3. Underscore.js

Yet another powerful JavaScript library that is perfect to work with the built-in JS objects. For achieving the same, modules and helpers are added to the JavaScript functionality. This efficient library does not fiddle with the default JS functionality and also does not extend any built-in functions. It means that the native JavaScript methods and objects are kept as they are by only putting some extra spice with extended specializations and helpers to work with.

4. Ember.js

It is an important JavaScript library that acts as a web app framework and does the toughest task of decision making to allow undivided focus on code only. It comes with its own tempting engine and automatically updates with the change in data structures. Ember works well with the REST API applications, but grand flexibility cannot be achieved because of the set of rules and frameworks that it possesses to work with.

5. Clipboard.js

Clipboard.js allows you to copy content to clipboard without any dependencies. Here, your app can copy data to clipboard without relying on Flash or anything else. Clipboard.js is an modern approach to copy text to the clipboard and relies on Selection and execCommand APIs. It works seamlessly across all popular web browsers and consumes about of 3 KB after being zipped.

6. Textillate.js

It is a plentiful JavaScript plugin which is best meant for CSS3 text animations and can also be used to add animations to each available text on your page. It makes the use of animate.css for pretty animations and text effects. jQuery is required to run it apart from animate.css and Lettering.js libraries. An array of CSS3 text animations are available to choose the best one where the required effects can be implemented easily.

7. Lettering.js

One more feature-rich JavaScript plugin that generate best results for the web typography. The style and appearance of each letter visible on the page can be efficiently managed by you. It combines individual lines, words and related aspects. It is best suitable as the free JavaScript library and performs text management and animations for the best use.

8. DropzoneJS

It is a free and open-source JavaScript library that offers a great support to drag and drop file uploads and media previews for your web pages. This library is out of any kind of dependencies and is compatible with all the major web browsers. DropzoneJS can be customized to meet all of your personalized needs and there is also a provision to tweak it by CSS animations. It can also be combined with the server-side scripts like PHP or Node.js.

9. PhantomJS

It is a JavaScript plugin to let you run and test your code with less memory consumption. This effective plugin also allows to capture screenshots, monitor network transactions and automate page browsing through the native JavaScript API. It gives native support to all the major web standards like Canvas and JSON.

10. three.js

It is a 3D library for JavaScript that lets you create 3D visualizations and also helps to render 3D to HTML5, SVG and WebGL. It is a minimal library that shower best results for the 3D concepts. Well, most of the 3D visualizations use game engines to do your work, where visualization has nothing to do with gaming. three.js works for directly putting 3D visualizations in a simple manner.

11. Strip

It is lightbox and partially wraps the page, that makes it less intrusive. Moreover, it voids the room for interaction with the page on large screens and a classic lightbox view to the small mobile devices.

12. Uilang

It is a ui-focused, minimal programming language that requires no core programming expertise. Tabs, galleries, popovers and overlays can be produced in a well-organized format while offering much ease to the designers.

13. noUiSlider plugin

This plugin is a JavaScript slider that has the custom design options and plethora of features that cannot be gained with the plain HTML. It is super light and works with all the major browsers and mobile devices. The slider can be put horizontally and vertically for utmost flexibility.


If you are a tech-savvy business owner who loves JavaScript from the heart, waste no more time to grab these free JS libraries and plugins right now. Availing the incredible benefits from the aforementioned list is a smart move to give a big boost to your business.

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