Photography by Charles Kikas A content creator is someone who primarily creates entertaining or educational digital material to be expressed through different mediums or channels. Think social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other channels such as YouTube and similar platforms where unique video content is created and shared for the enjoyment of others.


Bloggers are generally content creators who enjoy sharing their interests or experiences creatively with others on a website with engaging photos and writing. Vloggers are basically doing the same thing as bloggers only they are expressing these interests and experiences via video and speech instead of still photography and text. Think #vanlife or fixing and restoring old cars.

What Equipment Do I Need to Get Started?

To create content, you must have the appropriate tools for the job. I hope I can help demystify the subject by providing an inexpensive list of my favorite pieces of equipment needed to get started. Whether it’s blogging or vlogging, the equipment you’ll need is basically the same. Here are my top five pieces of budget gear you will need to become a content creator.

1. Laptop

A decent laptop is a must. A laptop with the latest operating system, at least 12GB of RAM, Core I5 or equivalent, and an SSD hard drive with a minimum of 500GB storage. I would even say to shoot for 1TB if you plan on filming and editing a 4K video. 4K video hogs a ton of space. Photography by Charles Kikas I also recommend investing in a separate external hard drive with as much storage space as you can afford to store all of your completed projects and avoid filling up your laptop’s hard drive. A typical 25-minute 4K video takes up 7-10GB of hard drive space. It adds up.

2. Smartphone

A good quality smartphone is definitely one of the keys to good content. I recommend either an Android or iPhone that is capable of capturing 4K video. Video stabilization is a must and will greatly improve the appearance of your videos. I currently use the Samsung Galaxy A53 and Galaxy S21.

3. Digital Camera

High-quality photos will require either a point-and-shoot style camera or a “bridge” type camera. These budget camera types will serve you well in producing quality photographic and video content. A “bridge” camera is a camera that “bridges” the perceived gap between expensive DSLR cameras and the less expensive point-and-shoot types. You can look for either 1080P or 4K video resolution here if your cell phone isn’t capable of shooting 4K.

4. Tripod, Selfie Stick, and Gimbal

An inexpensive tripod will help you film yourself and take steady photographs and videos. A quality tripod is a piece of equipment I don’t leave home without. Look for something lightweight that packs down small to take up less space, you’ll thank me later. A handheld gimbal that is capable of steadying your phone while shooting video is another pro tip for making better content. Being able to hold the gimbal and not worry about camera shake will lead to awesome action shots as well as stable POV videos that look great. A selfie stick is invaluable for allowing your camera or phone to be extended away from you for full-body shots or to capture that interesting background behind you.

5. Photo/Video Editing Software

Once you’ve completed your first masterpiece, you are going to need to edit all of that fantastic raw video and transform it into something that is able to be shared on your favorite social media platforms. This is where good video editing software comes in. I currently use FilmForth, a free video editing software program that I downloaded from the Microsoft Marketplace. It has served me well with over 500 edited video projects so far. I like the fact that FilmForth allows me to edit my videos without putting their logo/brand watermark on my project. A lot of “free” video editing software will put company watermarks on every video you edit. All you have to do is share the FilmForth brand on your social media platform and all of your videos will be free of watermarks. FilmForth is great for beginners and most laptops should be able to handle any of the video projects created with it. Eventually, I will purchase a better video editing platform, maybe Corel or Pinnacle. The point is, if you are frugal like me, start with free editing software until you get the hang of it before spending a ton of money. This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters. © 2022 Charles Kikas

Top 5 Budget Friendly Gear Choices for Blogging  Vlogging  and Content Creation - 58Top 5 Budget Friendly Gear Choices for Blogging  Vlogging  and Content Creation - 31