Photo by Lukas on Unsplash The books listed from top to bottom are in increasing order of complexity, taking you from a novice to a power user.

1. The Linux Command Line

William Shotts wrote a book titled The Linux Command Line. From your very first terminal keystrokes to writing whole programmes using a Linux shell or command line, the author guides you along the way. You will also learn about file navigation, environment setup, regular expression pattern matching, and other topics in this book. In addition to providing practical information, each topic’s fundamental principles are revealed in the book.

2. Linux Basics for Hackers

This book is helpful for every Linux user even if it is aimed at inexperienced hackers who are just beginning their careers in cybersecurity. This useful, tutorial-style book teaches Linux fundamentals with an emphasis on how hackers would utilise them using the Kali Linux system. The basics of the Linux command line, filesystems, networking, BASH syntax, package management, logging, and the Linux kernel and drivers are among the subjects covered.

3. CompTIA Linux+ Study Guide

Although this book is intended for Comptia Linux+ certification, the information offered here is excellent enough to aid someone in better understanding Linux. It certifies the abilities required of a Linux systems administrator in their early career. It is perfect for those who desire to enter a career as a Linux administrator but lack extensive training or certification.

4. How Linux Works

Brian Ward wrote the book How Linux Works. The ideas underlying Linux internals are explained in the book. Anyone who is interested in learning more about the inner workings of the operating system should use it as reference material. Additionally, you will learn how to create efficient shell scripts and how development tools operate. You will also cover the kernel and significant system operations including system calls, input and output, and file systems in this book.

5. Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible

The reference work Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible was written by Richard Blum. The book contains comprehensive instructions and lots of examples. You’ll discover how to speak with your computer without using the graphical user interface by using this book. This Linux book has thirty pages of brand-new, fully updated working examples that correspond to the newest Linux capabilities. The basics of the command line come first. The book provides information on shell scripting and demonstrates how to use commands in real-world situations for routine, automated tasks. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. © 2022 Ashutosh Singh Patel

Top 5 Linux Books You Must Read - 90