How to Increase Search Engine Crawl Rate for Your Website?

For static sites, you can use services like Ping-o-Matic to ping the search engines. But this is a manual process. WordPress users can use this service automatically even WordPress does this. You can configure your WordPress with more ping lists to update more quickly to among search engines.

WordPress Ping List URLs

Below is the list of ping URLs can be used with your WordPress blog. Copy the below lists in system clipboard.

Updating WordPress Ping List

Login to your WordPress admin dashboard and navigate to Settings » Writing.

Pase all the ping lists copied above to the Update Services input box and save this.

All done. Now WordPress automatically ping to all URLs configured above whenever you created a new post for updated existing post.

Update WordPress Ping List to Quick Index of Posts   TecAdmin - 97Update WordPress Ping List to Quick Index of Posts   TecAdmin - 35