In this tutorial, you will learn a simple process of specifying node.js version using .nvmrc file.

Using .nvmrc

Create a .nvmrc file containing a node version number in your project. You can use the nvm —-help to check other options. After that you can simply run commands like nvm use, nvm install and nvm run etc. This will the default node.js version defined in .nvmrc file. For example, to make nvm default to use 12.10, or the latest LTS version, or the latest available node version. Use once of the below commands. After setting the default node version, use nvm use command to set default node version found in .nvmrc. Similarly if specified node version is not installed simply run nvm install. The above commands will traverse directory structure upwards from the current directory looking for the .nvmrc file. In other words, once you set the node version with .nvmrc, can run nvm commands from any sub directory of the application.