Here are a few statistics about voice search that will help you understand the importance of Voice Search Optimization:

According to Google, 27% of the online global population uses voice search on mobile. Voice search results load 52% faster than an average search result page. The 18-34 age group is the most popular for voice searches. By 2024, the smart speaker market is expected to grow to $30 billion.

Sneak Peek

This article will discuss:

How does voice search work? The evolution of voice search Why is voice search growing so fast? How to perform voice SEO keyword research? How to optimize content for voice search? Advanced tips for voice SEO Conclusion

Is it true that we are in the middle of the voice search revolution? Let’s look at insights shared by the world’s best search engine Google and other experts. It is reported that 41% of adults (and 55% of teens) use voice search daily. 20% of Google search mobile queries are voice-based. Voice searches have grown 35x since 2008. These stats show that voice search is already there and will grow.

Why Is Voice Search Growing So Fast?

To explain this trend, we will look at two main factors: With this answer, it is clear that voice search is not hype. It is an actual trend in SEO, and many experts are using it as a part of their SEO strategy.

How to Perform Voice SEO Keyword Research

Ahead we will break down a few of the basic methods for conducting voice SEO keyword research.

Target “Question Keywords”

A few years ago, SEO was focused on one to two-word keywords. But now things have changed. Voice searches are more related to question queries. I recommend using the “Answer the Public” keyword research tool for finding question keywords.

Find “Natural Language Keywords”

Searches conducted by voice are more natural and conversational than searches conducted by text typing. With the growth of voice search, Natural Language and Conversational keyword searches will get a boost.

Don’t Avoid Long Keywords

People avoid using long-tail keywords because they don’t have enough search volumes. With the voice search trend, the keyword length is growing. People tend to search for longer queries than usual through voice searches.

With simple improvements in your existing SEO campaign, your website will be ready for voice search. Let’s start with the voice search content optimization.

Include Concise Questions in Your Content

Google featured snippet consists of only a few words (30 or fewer). Most of the time, Google home or voice assistant answers your question with a featured snippet. So including a concise answer to a specific question can help your website for featured snippets and appear in voice searches.

Earlier, I mentioned that Google responds to voice searches with a featured snippet. Getting into the featured snippet is even more influential for Google Home, Alexa, and other search devices. You will only receive one answer from these devices. Not getting to the top of search results means you will not appear for these devices.

Write Content With Natural & Conversational Language

Voice searches are more natural than robotic typing searches. And you must write your content the same way. Let’s understand it with an example: When you do a voice search like this, the search engine will find the match in your content. Typing Search: ‘dentist near me’ Voice Search: ‘who is the best dentist near me’

Entrench Long-Tail Keywords Into Long-Form Content

As you can see, the previous example shows that voice search queries are larger than typing queries. So including long-tail keywords in your content will benefit your SEO campaign. Include more long-tail keywords so that your website can rank for more voice search queries.

Advanced Voice SEO Tips

Whenever you optimize your content for question words, include filler words (the, I, me, and other similar terms). Voice search loads 3.8x faster than average results, but you still have to optimize your website speed. Many voice search results are single pages, and google needs to provide trustable information (trustable information means information from a trusted and authoritative source). The pages that appear in voice search results tend to have a 2000+ word count. More content a page has is likely to match the search query. Optimizing for the near me keyword could be a great opportunity, as the searches for “near me” businesses have increased dramatically over the past few years.

Voice Search Is Here to Stay

The voice search is not hype. Stats shown in this post clarify that voice search is already revolutionizing internet searches. The strategies mentioned in this blog post are proven and tested. I recommend including voice SEO in your SEO campaign to get better results. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. © 2022 Teerath Rajput

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