The video below shows the astonishingly immediate chemistry trick that transforms the appearance of the contents in your glass in a split second.  TikTok user @engineeredlabs treats us to a presentation of the experiment. Fascinating, isn’t it?  There is an at-home version of this that you can do yourself. Here is all you need:

Distilled water (tap water will work as well) A couple plastic cups1000 mg vitamin C tabletsTincture of iodine (2%)Hydrogen peroxide (3%)Liquid laundry starch

Imagination Station provides the list of what to do: Quoting directly from Imagination Station, this is what is going on: “There are actually two chemical reactions going on at the same time when you combine the solutions. During these reactions two forms of iodine are created—the elemental form and the ion form.” Again, here is Imagination Station explaining further: A couple notes: The iodine stains, so wear rubber gloves and be careful not to spill when conducting the experiment. You can get rid of the liquids by pouring them down a drain, but be sure to use plenty of water.