Canva Data analytics has become so ubiquitous that we don’t even notice it anymore. But when we look back at how quickly and dramatically things have changed, it’s incredible to see what’s possible with this technology. This article will look at data analytics trends over the next five years. We’ll discuss everything from AI and machine learning to blockchain technology and other exciting developments in this field.

1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has been around for decades, but it’s only recently begun appearing on marketers’ radars. AI is a natural fit for data analytics because it can help you make sense of all the data you’re collecting and give you actionable insights that can help inform your marketing strategy. One place where AI is already making an impact is in chatbots. Chatbots are software programs that talk to customers via text messages or voice commands and answer questions about products or services. They can be programmed to use artificial intelligence to learn from previous customer interactions and answer questions more effectively over time. This means they’re improving at helping people solve problems without hiring more customer service reps. Another area where AI will have an impact is machine learning (ML). ML lets computers figure out what might happen based on past events. This includes predicting when customers will likely buy something based on their purchase history or using trends from social media posts to expect what content will resonate with users most strongly.

2. Edge Computing

Edge computing is one of the new trends in data analytics, and it’s based on the idea that it’s more efficient to process the data where it’s collected. This means that instead of sending all your data to a central server, you can use smaller data centers at the “edge” of your network—close to where people are collecting the data. This can be helpful for companies or organizations that need to process lots of data in real time (for example, in retail).

3. Augmented Analytics

Augmented analytics has been around for a while, but it’s only recently become an actual thing. It refers to using artificial intelligence and machine learning to make your analytics more intelligent, intuitive, and helpful. Unfortunately, while plenty of companies are offering this service now, it’s still something you have to pay for—and it can be difficult to know what exactly to do with all this new information. But that won’t last. As augmented analytics becomes more common and accessible, we’ll see more companies offering solutions that help users understand their data in ways they never thought possible. And the best part? They’ll provide them for free or a nominal fee—because these companies know that once you get hooked on augmented analytics, you won’t be able to imagine returning.

4. Data Democratization

Data democratization is a trend that will continue to grow and expand in the next few years as more companies and even individuals begin to leverage the power of data analytics. In the past, data has typically been kept under lock and key by C-level executives who understand how it can be used to make better business decisions. However, this is changing as more people are becoming familiar with what big data can do and how it can help them solve problems or make more informed decisions. Data democratization means that everyone will have access to the same information, giving them a chance to understand what’s happening in their industry or market segment and make better decisions based on this knowledge. It also means that employees won’t feel like they’re being left out of essential discussions because they need to learn how to interpret all this new information.

5. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

A branch of machine learning and artificial intelligence called “natural language processing” (NLP) studies how computers and human languages interact. In other words, it’s how computers understand and process the meaning of the text. It’s been around for some time now, but it’s only recently become more advanced and functional. With the advent of AI, NLP has evolved into a powerful tool in the business world. It can help analyze data from surveys, documents, emails, chats, text messages, and other sources to give businesses insights into their customers’ needs and behaviors. The benefits of NLP are numerous: it helps companies improve their customer service by understanding what people are saying; it allows them to target their marketing efforts better; it makes it easier for everyone to find answers on their own rather than having to go through human resources; and much more.

6. Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is an exciting new way to store and share data. But, how will this affect data analytics in the future? Blockchain is a distributed database that stores transactional information in a way that allows anyone with access to see it but prevents anyone from being able to edit or delete it. Because blockchain is decentralized and encrypted, there’s no single point of failure—and no one can tamper with the stored data. That means that blockchain has enormous potential for data analytics. For example, it’s ideal for storing sensitive information like medical records or financial transactions because it ensures that all parties involved have access to the same information without worrying about hacking or tampering. In addition to its security benefits, blockchain also makes sharing information faster and easier than ever by creating a permanent record of all activity co-occurring across multiple computers or devices.

7. Data Analytics Automation

Sophisticated analytics is no longer just for the big guys. As more and more companies seek to gain an edge over their competitors, data analytics automation will become more accessible to smaller organizations. Automation is already gaining traction: from using AI-driven chatbots in customer service to predictive analytics used to forecast product demand, automation is becoming a crucial part of many companies strategies. The trend toward automation will continue in 2023 as it becomes increasingly common for organizations to use automated systems that can handle various tasks, including data cleansing, data preparation, data visualization, and even model building. With these systems available, companies no longer need dedicated analysts or statisticians on staff. Instead, they can bring in an outside expert to help build models or conduct ad hoc analysis when required.

8. Data Governance

Data governance is a critical component of data analytics. It involves defining and implementing policies that ensure an organization’s data’s integrity, security, and availability. These policies help ensure that each person in the organization understands their responsibilities for protecting data, including identifying threats and protecting against them. Data governance also refers to a set of processes used to maintain and control access to data. This includes authorizing who can access which data, what they can do with it, and when they can use it. Data governance helps ensure that information is only accessed by those authorized while limiting potential negative impacts on the organization if unauthorized access occurs.

9. IoT and Analytics

IoT is a collection of objects that contain embedded technology to communicate information over a network. These objects include anything from smart home devices, to wearables, to industrial equipment. With the proliferation of IoT devices comes an increased need for data analytics. As more devices are connected to networks and communicate information about their users and environments, companies need software that can quickly analyze this new data to take action. Predictive maintenance is one of the industry’s most common applications for IoT. By analyzing data from sensors on machines and equipment, companies can identify problems before they occur and prevent costly downtime. For instance, if a piece of equipment experiences a temperature drop but recovers after several hours, an alert could be sent out before anything terrible happens—either by email or text message—so someone can check it out right away.

10. Cloud-Based Data Analytics

Cloud-based self-service data analytics is a new way of working with data that’s become increasingly popular in recent years. It allows people to get the information they need without having to ask for it from higher-ups, and it also gives them access to more information than ever before. Self-service data analytics works by having users submit their queries about their data through an online portal, where they can see their results immediately. This means that instead of waiting for someone else to pull the numbers together for them, they can make their query and get the answers they want right away. This is especially useful for people who work remotely or have complex queries requiring a lot of time or effort to run on legacy systems like SQL servers or Hadoop clusters. Self-service data analytics lets users see more than just numbers—it lets them visualize those numbers as charts and graphs so they can see trends at a glance and spot anomalies more efficiently than ever before. And since everything is stored in the cloud rather than on physical servers, they don’t have any worries about backups or maintenance costs either.


In this post, we’ve covered ten trends that will shape data analytics in the coming years. From the rise of artificial intelligence to the evolution of data-driven decision-making, it’s clear that the world is becoming more dependent on data than ever before. And as the demand for more accurate and timely insights increases, so will the need for skilled professionals who can help organizations extract value from their data. As you plan your career path, keep these trends in mind. Whether you’re looking for an entry-level or executive position, many opportunities are available today—and even more, are on the horizon! This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2022 Hassan

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