Apple Watch Series 8

We anticipate seeing the Apple Watch Series 8 and perhaps even a new ‘Pro’ version of the Watch with the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro. Also rumored to be upgraded are the entry-level iPad and the AirPods Pro. Genuine surprises are becoming less common at Apple events, but the corporation might have a few sly moves under its sleeve. In the meantime, we’ll be live blogging all the rumors we’ve heard leading up to the event and any announcements that are made. You don’t want to wait. View the top iPhone 13 discounts currently being offered.

Apple Car?

The speculated Apple Car is one item that we most definitely don’t anticipate seeing during tomorrow’s Apple presentation. Even while that may still be several Apple events away if Apple is even working on it (there have been rumors of a 2025 launch), potential customers don’t seem to mind. According to a recent survey, people prefer Apple Car over other manufacturers. Nearly as many rumors have circulated about what we won’t see at tomorrow’s Apple presentation as there have been about what we will. A new iPad for 2022 is another device that appears to be off the table.

iPadOS 16

A new iPad would typically be presented at the same time as an iPhone; for example, the current 9.2" iPad was unveiled at the September 2021 Apple event together with the iPhone 13. Apple has stated that the iPadOS 16 “will ship after iOS,” according to TechCrunch. This would appear to indicate that we will have to wait until at least a little later in the year as we presume Apple would want new iPads to arrive with the new operating system. Apple conducted events in both September and October of last year, so we speculate that it may do the same this year and unveil the new iPad the following month. Lost track of our progress using iPads? Our list of all the iPad generations that are currently on the market will help you catch up.

AirPods Pro

As usual, there are a few more outlandish rumors doing the rounds, perhaps chief of which is that tomorrow we might finally see Apple’s VR headset. This one does seem a little far out. But then again, that is the title of the event… A long overdue upgrade for the AirPods Pro is also anticipated tomorrow, and recent rumors say it will include a redesigned charging case with built-in speakers that will make it much easier to find. Users may currently play sounds from their individual AirPods, but finding the charging case is a completely different story, as anyone who has ever misplaced one will attest. More information is lacking regarding the earbuds themselves, however, rumors have been circulating for some time that they may eventually do away with the recognizable stem. This would be a significant move for AirPods because, after being ruthlessly criticized upon release in 2016, the product is now commonplace on the streets. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. © 2022 Mirza Atif

What to Expect From iPhone 14 and Apple Watch Pro - 14What to Expect From iPhone 14 and Apple Watch Pro - 20What to Expect From iPhone 14 and Apple Watch Pro - 79