There are those who have pushed the envelope and expanded the possibilities for creators on the platforms with elaborate videos and clever transitions. Of course, that takes some skill in editing and often some frustrating practice. TikTok creator @themuthership shows us the process in pulling off a popular and seemingly easy transition that’s more complex than meets the eye.  We love to see creators helping others with learning new skills, especially when it comes to the careful and patience-straining process of video editing (I know firsthand). The way she breaks down the “vacation swipe”, step by step, gives others a chance to follow along, go back and forth on the video, and master the technique. This could be a how-to video on making how-to videos, the instruction is so clear.  Commentors show their appreciation for learning a valuable skill that has become an increasingly frequent element of TikTok videos. Prudently Powerless responded, “Omg, the continue recording from drafts! I didn’t know that was there. Thank you!” “Ahhhhhaaaaaa. I’ve always wanted to know how to do all this cool stuff!!! My kids know but I feel like my parents trying to run a VCR in the 80’s!!!!” confessed Nat. charmaines_quest sounds inspired: “thank you I’m so tempted to try my very 1st of anything on TikTok.”