Even with all the great streaming services, available for subscription or even free, there is the perpetual pursuit of finding out “what else is on” or wanting to watch a specific series from yesteryear. I know there are a few Saturday morning cartoon series from my childhood (sorry, not giving out decades) that I’d like to revisit. Looks like TikTok user @99problemschronicillness has a solution to help people find content through a Fire stick: People love finding out cool hacks or inventive ways to use their devices, as the comment section proved. Robinson Dominguez responded, “I did this as you were explaining, awesome, but is there a way to make the screen bigger?” These videos encourage people to find their own solutions, as elainehatchell1 replied, “I just found out it works on kindle tablets too. thank you.” “anything like this for Roku?” asks Kelly Woods268, referring to the popular smart TV platform.